Friday, May 12, 2006

Paperbag Identity

As i was preparing my last paper for my degree course coming 18th May,
I was feeling a little reluctant to study and thus, started to
browse through my pictures collections.

The pictures and clips are alot indeed, which i think the volume is
more than 4GB.

Suddenly when I browse through a picture that Ah Han previously posted

I realized something and suprised of it... then i start laughing!
Someone is MISSING!
There was a group pic being altered, or to be precise, being cropped and trimmed away...
What was gone? Something... or I should said someone?

This is odd... is it that our picture got some unknown-figure? Ghost? 幽灵?

The fact remain UNKNOWN !!!
So... Look clearly into the picture... ASK YOURSELF!


As you can see from the picture, the identity of the paperbox-man is disclosed.
What for? I wouldn't know!
Is it...
"Not suitable for children?"
"Too horrible to see?"
"Too pretty to be disguised?"

But i guess it was censored for a reason.

I bet... if you don't have this picture, you might really miss the idea...
and probably thinking... Who is this?
OK OK! I will give some HINTS...

Hmmmm... probably... too tough to answer...

None of the above?
Sure lah! Even I dunno the identity!

Ok ok... cut the crap...
This is just a joke la...
Just too stress in having exam...
I bet ah han and ah woo also the same la...
Hope you two the best! Also for all Rampaian in the real-life-society-exam of course...


@hH@n said...

ren you '踢爆' me ho....
if one day the 'paperbag fellow' really reach this blog, i think both of us going to be die with no crop... hehe....
donno he know the creation of this blog or not? did hooi tell him?
if so... then next time i meet him then i donno wat to react!!! damn... hav to responsible to wat i had writen here....

Anonymous said...


dun worry la...
he wont know i guess...

and this is just a joke maaa...
big guy cannot play play mer?

@hH@n said...

ya lor.....
hopefully he donno...
if he really reach here, then we cant do anything...
else we delete the blog...
but i think.... NO WAY....