Thursday, August 31, 2006


got c side bar added a new thing - Gabbly Chat Box
Gabbly is new concept of chatting. it can chat v any ppl in a same web page
this more powerful than MSN, Yahoo or ICQ those traditional IM tools
this is using Web 3.0 concept

if wanna play gabbly at any website, jus add "" at front of the page u r viewing
example if u r viewing "",
jus add ""make it be "",
then a Gabbly Chat Box will appear.

but stil seldom ppl play it...
this concept stil new....

can get more info from Gabbly home page


Anonymous said...

aiya... this thing is useful only if your site got lots of unknown visitors...
else... msn is good enough lo...

hooi1983 said...

jus try only
feel gabblyll slow down webpage loading

yIn said... high tech oh...